Sunday, February 28, 2010

continue part three of "The 5-Step Plan to Success in google adsense"

Part 3 : Summary and Additional Resources

AdSense Do’s and Don’ts
Now that you know what AdSense is all about, we can offer the following do’s
and don’ts – which more or less summarizes everything we’ve said so far.

The first rule of using AdSense is to follow their terms of service.  Google has
exceptional monitoring ability, and if they find any violation of their TOS, your
account will be suspended, rendering all your efforts moot.

Consider having a number of informative pages about varying topics but with a
consistent theme for your website.  That way you will have more ads to choose
from and can possibly maximize your CTR. 

Use keywords to your advantage.  Higher paying keywords will usually but not
always yield more rewards.  Think relevance. Also use variations of keywords for
added advantage.

Provide unique information on your web pages.  The more specific the content of
your website is, the more targeted your ads will be, and the more effective. 
Always focus on providing good quality information!

Experiment with various ad formats on your web page and choose those that
suite your website.  You can choose to display ads with different formats on one

Position your ad block in such a way that the ad is visible and yet it does not put
off the readers.  Ideally, place your ad in the top section of your webpage which
can be viewed without scrolling down.

Use the Google AdSense preview toolbar to your advantage and see how the
ads will appear on your website.  Get a hands-on feel of how the visitor to your
website will view your web page.

Use Google channels and other external tracking software to evaluate your
performance on a routine basis.  

Do not resort to fraudulent or deceptive means for generating clicks on the ads
that are on your page.  Some of the methods that are prohibited by Google
AdSense are:

•  Automated clicking programs
•  Repeated manual clicks
•  Using robots to generate clicks
•  Clicking your own ads
•  Tricking your visitors into clicking on your ads by using fraudulent means

Don’t have confusing layers of content. Content on your web page should not
hide the ad text and URL.  At the same time, it is advisable that you use same
font type, size and color (background and font) for both the ads and the content
on your web pages so that your ad does not announce itself as an outside ad. 
Ideally, your ad should look and feel like a part of your website.

Don’t have broken links on your site. Your website should not contain any broken
links and should be easily navigable.  Also, the content on your web pages
should be informative, of high quality and the ads should be relevant to the

Don’t have old or illegal information on your site. Be careful about outdated
information, plagiarized text and obscene or offensive material.  Avoid using any
of these on your web pages.

Two More AdSense Opportunities: RSS and Blogs
Adding Google Ads to your RSS feeds 
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) has gained huge popularity on the Internet.
RSS is an XML document format that organizes and stores news-like content
from various sources into one source. Think of it like a newswire service, the kind
of stuff that scrolls along the bottom of cable channels. A large percentage of the
“news” items you find on any website that is not a major news portal got there
through an RSS feed.

Google has introduced a specific program known as AdSense for RSS. Although,
it is under beta testing currently (mid 2005), you can join this program now and
start making money with it.  RSS offers a variety of interesting content options
that most websites themselves can’t match.

Google AdSense for feeds has its own set of policies. These can be accessed at: Like the
AdSense program, you must follow all guidelines in order to be accepted for the
AdSense for feeds program. 

Placing AdSense ads on your Blogs
Blogs are similar to RSS feeds in concept except they usually have one author
rather than an aggregate of sources of the material they contain. Blogs (short for
Web logs) are simple webpages where you can write articles and other content
on a variety of topics, and both the famous and the unknown use these online
diaries to share their thoughts, post pictures, and so on. The public can view this
content and even comment on it in most cases. 

Due to the considerable amount – and unlimited range – of content on Blogs, it
may make sense to place AdSense ads on them. In fact, it is much easier to
generate revenue from Blogs as compared to other web pages, at least in theory.

•  First, blogs are full of content, most of which is original most of the time.
The content may not be “good” from a human reader perspective but it is usually “good” according to Google’s scans. Thus, getting approved by
Google AdSense may be easier. 

•  The content presented on the blog, in many cases, is quite diverse which,
unlike a website that needs to be “about something” can be excused by
the “everything and nothing” nature of most blogs. Consequently, the
possibility of Google finding targeted ads that are relevant may increase. 

•  Google AdSense works only with those websites that are already indexed
by Google. Blogs get indexed far more easily than regular webpages.
Some blogs get indexed in as few as two to three days of submission.
Thus, the chances of getting approved by Google AdSense increases

•  Blogs can be created at practically no cost – much cheaper than
commercial websites.
Further AdSense Resources
Whether you have one website or 100, RSS feeds or no, blogs or no, below is a
list of great tools, software, scripts, and other resources that can help you win in
your Google AdSense campaign. 

Tools and Scripts
These are tools that would help you in a variety of areas such as seeing what
ads appear for specific keywords, tracking and analyzing clickthroughs and
revenue, scripts and much more.

AdSense Preview tool from Google – Preview your AdSense Ads
AdSense Desktop – Tool for analyzing Google AdSense statistics  •
AdSenseLog – Another tool for analyzing AdSense stats  •
AdSenseCharts – Chart generator for your statistics  •
Revenue Checker for Google AdSense – Checks and monitors revenue  •
Google AdSense Sandbox Tool – shows what Ads would appear for
specific keywords or content

AdSense Web Tool – similar to the one above  •
AdSense Tracker – Statistical Analysis and tracking

•  AdSense Monitor – AdSense tracking script
SysSense - A utility that puts your AdSense information in the Windows
system tray

AdSense Notifier – places AdSense information in a status bar  •
AdSense™ Tracker  - Another good tracking tool  •
•  Google AdSense Tracking Script – Another tracking script
AdSenseMasterFlex 2.0 - Script  •
asRep: Google AdSense tracking script   •

AdSense Information Websites and Tutorials - AdSense Forum  •
Digital Point - AdSense Forum  •
Google AdSense Charts & Graphs  •
Google AdSense Preview Tool  •
Google AdSense Sandbox Tool  •  •
How to Boost Your AdSense Revenue  •
JenSense - Making Sense of Contextual Advertising  •
Search Engine Forums - Contextual Advertising Forums  •
Search Engine Watch - AdSense Forum  •
V7N Web Development Community - Google Forum  •
Web Pro World - AdSense Forum  •
Webmaster World - AdSense Forum  •

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